Safeguarding at AISC

AISC’s Commitment: At American International School Chennai (AISC), the safety and wellbeing of all community members are our highest priorities. We believe that every child deserves to learn and grow in a safe environment, and where our adult community can thrive and feel secure. AISC pledges to ensure that all appropriate plans and measures are taken to ensure child and adult safety at all times. AISC recognizes the importance of this pledge, and is committed to integrity, compassion, and self-reflection in the domain of student and community safety.

AISC’s safeguarding policies and procedures are aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which our home country, India, is a signatory.

AISC adheres to the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, ensuring that our policies and practices meet Indian national legal standards for the protection of children.

Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility

Safeguarding is a shared responsibility. Every member of our community, including faculty, staff, parents, students, and visitors, plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of minors and adults.

Key Policies and Practices

AISC’s Safeguarding Handbook details the steps required to care for our students, minimize the threat of student abuse at school, and empower students and all adult community members to respond promptly and effectively should harm be observed, suspected, or disclosed.

The following are key policies and practices that are in place at AISC.

Rigorous Approach to Suspected Abuse

  • Abuse of any form—be it physical, emotional, neglect or sexual—may cause trauma and harm that is lifelong. Therefore, all reported incidents are taken seriously and handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

Comprehensive Community Education

  • All AISC employees and contracted vendors undergo regular safeguarding training. This ensures they are well-equipped to recognize and respond to any signs of abuse, neglect, and/or suicidal ideation.
  • Students across all three sections receive education around protecting themselves, understanding physical and body language cues, and reporting to trusted adults.
  • We provide periodic opportunities for families to educate themselves on safeguarding.

Safe Recruitment

  • We follow strict recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff and contracted vendors are thoroughly vetted. Background checks and references are mandatory for everyone working with our students.

Clear Reporting Channels

  • We provide clear and accessible channels for students, parents, and staff to report any concerns. Our designated safeguarding officers are always available to address any issues. 

If you need to report a concern, please use this Safeguarding Concern Reporting Form or speak with the Safeguarding Lead, Section Counselor, or Principal.

Support Systems

Each section (Elementary, Middle and High) have dedicated counselors and a variety of resources that offer support systems for students and families who may be experiencing social-emotional difficulties. Our counseling services are confidential and designed to help students feel safe, heard, and supported.

Compliance with Indian National and State Laws

We adhere to the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 (India) and the Tamil Nadu State Policy for Children (TNSPC), ensuring that our policies and practices meet national and state legal standards for the protection of children.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need to report a concern, please contact our designated safeguarding officers at [email protected].

Together, we can create a safe and nurturing environment for all our students.